Green innovations for the sustainable future

Research, development and consultancy in the field of energy efficiency of buildings and technical building systems

Research and development

Research and development in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. 


Indoor air quality and thermal comfort measurements, thermography, wall thermal transmittance measurements, etc.

Professional activities

Numerical analyses, consulting work in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, lectures and workshops on sustainability and circular economy.


Experts in numerical simulations

We offer a service for analysing the thermal loads of buildings ("energy modeling") with TRNSYS software, as well as simulating the behaviour of various time-dependent and stationary systems, also in conjunction with CFD simulations.

Software tools
  • TRNSYS software is a highly flexible, graphical software tool used to simulate the behaviour of various transient (non-stationary or time-dependent) and stationary systems. It is a validated environment for the evaluation of the thermal response of buildings. Real hourly weather data or the Standard Meteorological Year (SML), which contains hourly data averaged over several years for a selected location for each hour of the year, is used for the analysis of heat loads.

We use TCAE sottware package for CFD simulations. The simulation environment TCAE includes packages or modules for numerical fluid dynamics (TCFD), structural simulations of solids (TFEA), more complex optimization and automation of simulation processes (TOPT), acoustic simulations (TCAA), and for numerical mesh preparation (TMESH).


Thermography is a non-contact method of measuring temperature. In the case of buildings, it can measure the temperature of the external or internal surfaces of the building. 

Thermographic inspections

Thermographic inspections are carried out both as part of an extended building energy audit or independently to accurately measure wall surfaces, detect anomalies (thermal bridges) or to check the quality of building contractors.

We usually use a top-of-the-range FLIR E95 thermography camera to perform thermography.
The camera also includes a digital camera and has a temperature range of -20 °C to +1500 °C. The camera has an IR resolution of 464 x 348 pixels and has a thermal resolution of 0,04 °C at 30 °C. The measurement accuracy is ± 2 °C or ± 2% of the measured value.

For more challenging parts of the building, we can also perform thermography with the DJI Mavic 3T drone. The drone also has an integrated 48 MP digital camera and has a temperature range of -20 °C to +500 °C. The camera has an IR resolution of 640 x 512 pixels and has a thermal resolution of 0,05 °C at 30 °C. The measurement accuracy is ± 2 °C or ± 2% of the measured value.
